CA-DIDI Board of Managers
The board’s role is program support, guidance, financial management, financial support. - Board members are required to be representatives working for local advanced manufacturing organizations and are directly providing program content including tours, demonstrations, internships, career and educational opportunities to area students. This is not your ordinary board. Board members provide “boots-on-the-ground” involvement in all programming. They regularly participate in STEM fairs, discussion panels, meetings with area educators at the K-12 and post-secondary institutions, among many other in-person interactions with thousands of our area students each year.

Chris Napoleon, President
Napoleon Engineering Services, President and CEO
Melissa Curran, Vice President
SolEpoxy, Inc., Director of Corporate Services
Jennifer Clarke, Secretary
Eaton, Human Resources Manager
Steve Scribner, Treasurer
Mazza Mechanical Services, Chief Financial Officer
Evelyn Sabina
CA-DIDI, Executive Director
Paul Majot
Cutco, Head Engineer
Scott Puller
Mazza Mechanical Services, Director, Development & Human Resources
Joe Snyder
Fitzpatrick & Weller, Lumber Purchaser & Sales
Brian Rodman
Scott Rotary Seals, General Manager
Mary Deegan-Collins
Epoxy, Inc., Production Manager
Mike DeRose
Pierce Steel Fabricators, President
John Stahley
Fox Rotating Equipment, General Manager
Steve Simons
ASK Chemicals, Plant Manager
Brian George
Cutco, Employee Development Manager
Organization Description:
CA-DIDI is a 501C3 not for profit corporation, dedicated to encouraging students to pursue careers in the area of advanced manufacturing.

Our mission is to increase the skilled workforce pipeline entering manufacturing careers.
Manufacturing is the number-two employer in the two-county region, and is in need of everything from welders, engineers, machinists and maintenance technicians to marketers, accountants, and IT technicians. Many of our CA-DIDI programs and events have opened our students’, educators’ and counselors’ eyes to career pathways that they otherwise would not have imagined. Part of our mission is to dispel any myths about manufacturing and show our area students that manufacturing is safe, clean, highly skilled, diverse, and state-of-the-art. CA-DIDI is a means of reaching out to talented youth, encourage them to remain in the area, and pursue careers in the manufacturing career field.
A study conducted by the Manufacturing Institute in DC showed that 63% of students make their career and education decisions based on experiences. At the same time manufacturers in our region continue to struggle to fill open job positions, due in large part to the retirement of the baby-boomer generation. CA-DIDI is an important bridge between students, educators, counselors and manufacturers. Right now, it is even more important to provide our hands-on STEM experiences, as students may not be receiving these opportunities at school. Efforts to introduce students to excellent local manufacturing job opportunities in their own backyard increases the chances that those young minds and talent will stay in our area.
The mission of CA-DIDI is to increase the skilled workforce pipeline entering manufacturing careers. Manufacturing is the number-two employer in the two-county region, and needs everything from welders, engineers, machinists and maintenance technicians to marketers, accountants, and IT technicians. Our CA-DIDI programs educate students, teachers, counselors, administrators, parents and post-secondary educators about advanced manufacturing and the importance of STEM. Our events and projects are designed to energize the talent pipeline exposing students and educators to Advanced Manufacturing. This is accomplished through technology tours, technology camps, STEM focused career fairs, STEM focused technology competitions, K-12 Class Room Experiences and at home STEM projects that help enhance hands-on learning.
Over the past 10 years, our CA-DIDI programs have focused on the following goals:
Educating the Educators & the Community
Energizing the Talent Pipeline
Providing Hands On-Manufacturing Experiences and Opportunities
Thanks to the Ralph Wilson Foundation, STEM 2035, Generator Z, ESD, ARC, and the support of area manufacturers, we have been able to create an array of successful and sustainable programs for ages 10 – 18. Our programs introduce students ages 10 – 18 to STEM activities, manufacturing careers, technical skills, and soft skills. Programs have grown, evolved, expanded, and morphed into new programs by listening to suggestions by our participants, including teachers, students, and area manufacturers. We plan to continue with our established best practices as well as implementing a few of our new innovative programs.
Thank you
CA-DIDI Supporters!
The Ralph Wilson Foundation
Jim and Carol Stitt
The Cutco Foundation
Napoleon Engineering Services
Mazza Mechanical Services
Great Lakes Cheese
Pierce Steel
Scott Rotary Seals
Fitzpatrick & Weller
ASK Chemicals
American Refining Group
Allegheny Bradford Corporation
Keystone Tool & Die
Koike Aronson, Inc.
Jamestown Community College
Olean Business Development
Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation
Area Teachers and Students