Summer Internship Program
Another program to be expanded over the next three years is the internship program. Students intern with CA-DIDI in the summer and throughout the year, assisting with existing programs, developing new programs, job shadowing with manufacturers, attending workshops, and making the DIDI Center a welcome space for fellow STEM enthusiasts. This summer, interns have been working on the following projects:
CA-DIDI Geek Squad (helping seniors with facetime to keep in touch with relatives)
Developing a new CA-DIDI Mfg Board Game
Assisting with the Eaton Young Manufacturers Academy and Junior Manufacturers Academy
Tiny Tiny Smart House project for Christmas Giving Tree
Individual internships with area manufacturers with CA-DIDI providing the financial backing and manufacturers providing the projects and monitoring the progress to completion. This approach has proven to be most successful for college students in the past, leading to additional manufacturing internships and eventually full-time employment.